Introduction: Vinegar/Baking Soda Grenade

I knew that vinegar and baking soda made an explosive reaction, so i made this. You throw it and it goes boom in the air!

Step 1: Get Stuff

You need:

a box of baking soda
a bottle of vinegar
a spoon
a ziploc bag
a cup of water
an empty film canister

Step 2: Cut Plastic Bag

Take the ziploc bag and hold it up to the side of the canister, with one of the bottom corners at the bottom of the canister. Cut at the top of the canister to form a triangle with the bag.

Step 3: Pour Vinegar

Take the canister and fill it up about a quarter of the way with vinegar.

Step 4: Add Baking Soda

Use spoon to half-fill the plastic bag corner with baking soda. Place carefully in canister, making sure not to let vinegar in yet. Put lid back on canister.

Step 5: Throw!

Throw the canister in the air towards the street, your enemies, your friends, whatever. Watch it explode in mid-air!

Step 6: Clean Up/prepare for Another Throw

put the bag and the canister in the cup of water to rinse. Repeat from step 3.