Introduction: Wearable Brain Diagram

Learning human anatomy can sometimes be difficult and hard to pay attention to. Therefore, the purpose of this Inscrutable is to teach you how to make a simple teaching tool that can be worn. The idea behind the design is that by wearing the brain lobe diagram, students will get an better understanding of location of major brain regions. It helps to make learning anatomy fun!


all purpose flour, measuring cup, mixing bowl, water, newspaper, scissors, circular frame, paint, paintbrushes, black sharpie marker

Step 1: Get What You Need.

Go to any grocery store and buy 1lb all purpose flour, 2 medium sized bowls, and a 1-cup measuring utensil.

Step 2: Cutting

Obtain a stack of newspaper (with no flyers) and a pair of scissors and cut them into inch width strips. Be careful with scissor safety by asking an adult if you need help.

Step 3: Combining Water and Flour

Fill a bowl with water to add to the paper mache mixture as you create it. Carefully open the bag of flour so it does not go everywhere!

Step 4: Mixing and Whisking

Whisk two parts water with one part flour until in forms a smooth paste. If you add too much water and your mixture becomes too runny, then add more flour. If it is too thick, you can dilute it by adding more water until you get the consistency you want to work with. Use a whisk to remove any lumps in the paste.

Step 5: Find a Frame and Paper Mache It!

Find any household object to act as the scaffolding for your brain design, like the circular basket in these images. Dip you strips of newspaper into the paper mache paste and slide off any extra with you fingers. Apply the strips in a criss cross manner at first to ensure that your design is sturdy. Then you can put the strips on in any order, as long as all areas are covered evenly.

Step 6: Let It Dry!

Let your mold dry overnight or until hardened. It is especially helpful to put the mold in the sunshine as this helps the drying process.

Step 7: Paint, Paint, Paint!

Mix red paint with a small amount of brown paint to create a good brain color and apply the paint to the entire exterior of your mold. Let the paint dry.

Step 8: Marking Anatomical Regions

Use your sharpie marker to draw lines that represent the major lobes of the brain, which are the frontal lobe, the parietal lobe, temporal lobes, the occipital lobe, and the cerebellum.