Introduction: Computer Case Mod Cooling Fans

Like a lot of instructable folks I am cheap.
When I built this tower I used all the parts I had on hand ,it is my first build using a p4 so not much transferred over,I did not know that it would be so much hotter than a coppermine was.
Installing a fan in the front of tower,and a PCI slot fan did not help much

Step 1: Scrapping Parts and Buying Stuff

Step 2: Layout

Lay the fan on graph paper, trace it out I added one inch to border.

A few layout marks on the side cover.

Masking tape templet to transfer the holes that needed to be drilled.

Ready for the drill 3/16" for the screws 1.25" hole saw for the vents. paint the off white blood gulch red.

Step 3: Mounting, Wireing

Mount the fans plug in the bus.
Mount the bus on 2 standoffs.
Mount the pot,and the knob.
solder And bench test.
Mounting tape holds in my side USB/par port (cables too short to reach the front :(

Step 4: Notes

Yes there is a auto cig lighter on the front of my tower that is for another day.
When I build a computer I use a sharpie on inside of cover to make a few useful notes,as I suffer from CRS and have no idea what I stuffed in there.
Tower plug for the lights/power button was wrong so I just jacked that one to the face.
Missing faceplate has a hard drive in the slot I lost the blank years ago.
I mounted fans to blow out of tower.
On low very quiet on high they are noisy.

Step 5: Bench Test

Benchtest the mod
I use inter active monitor as it is an intel inside.
The burn in 2008 I got for free from majorgeeks.
After 5 min CPU temp was 49-50 c
Case temp never got over 34 c
normal operations (like right now with a few windows open)
CPU is 34c
zone one is 32c
stay tuned for how to have your own cig lighter in an open slot,no i dont smoke in the office its for all the chargers that plug into it.

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