Introduction: Knex Rubber Band Gun (RBG) MY ORIGINAL DESIGN

About: I like building knex guns and modding nerf guns. I play Call of Duty and Minecraft. I also own a minecraft server.

Hey guys. Here is my simple to make knex rubber band gun. It is my first Insructable and I hope you like it. Here you go. 
shoots hard
small, good in a knex war

Trigger not the best
no mag for multi-ammo holding

Step 1: Handle

For this part, you will need the following

1 purple or grey 3d half moon 
1 blue 3d full circle
3 red 1/4

2 yellow

Make what you see in the pics and set it aside. don't worry about a trigger, that is on the barrel on this model. please don't criticize it, it's my first Instructable.

Step 2: Barrel

You will need for this

8 yellow halves
1 yellow orange half with nub on bottom (substitute for yellow if you don't have one. nub just for looks.)
2 white full circles

1 tan, red, or yellow orange (they're usually the red ones, but they are all the same.)
1 white
1 yellow

Step 3: Cocking Mech and Trigger

you will need

1 orange
1 green

2 blue

build what is in the pics indicated by the boxes.

Step 4: Rubber Bands

add rubber bands as shown in intro.

Step 5: Firing

pull back mech until trigger falls into position. pull it to fire.