Introduction: Knex Buggy With Independent Suspension

this is my buggy, it has full independent suspension. it is my first instructable so the instructions may be hard to follow. please leave comments.

Step 1: Make the Front Suspension

1. make two of these.
2. make four of these.
3. make two of these.
4.make one of these.
5. make two of these.
6. make one of these.
7. attach (1) to (2).
8. attach (7) to (6)
9. attach (5) to(8)
10. attach (4) to (9)
11. attach (3) to (10)
12. add the wheels.

Step 2: Make the Rear Suspension

1. make two of these
2. make four of these
3. make two of these
4. attach (1) to (2)
5. make this
6. attach (4) to (5)
7. attach (3) to (6)
8. make this.
9. attach (8) to (7)
10. add wheels.

Step 3: Make the Chassis

1. make these
2. make this
3. join them together.
4. attach the chassis to the front suspension
5. attach the chassis to the rear suspension

Step 4: Make the Body

1. make 13 of these
2. make this
3. make this
4. make this
5. attach (1,2,3,4) together
6. attaching (5) to chassis
7. attaching (5) to chassis
8. attaching (5) to chassis

Step 5: Extras

1. make the spoiler
2. attach spoiler to buggy
3. make the bumper
4. attach bumper to buggy
thats all, thanks for making it.