Introduction: Knex Sniper Rifle

i made a knex machine gun and did some modifications so that it looked like a sniper rifle...
unfortunatly it dosn't fire anything but you can cock it back and pull the trigger so that it sounds like it fires.

Step 1: The

I have only just built this so i don't haven't got any instructions on it yet but i will put some on as soon as possible... sorry I have put pictures of it on so you can look and mybe have a go at building it yourself.

Step 2:

I've took pictures of the different parts of the gun... If it helps ...

The soulder rest..

Step 3:

The middle part where the scope is and the handle with the trigger.

Step 4:

And finally the nozal with the magganzene...

As soon as i can i will put instructions up so that you can have a go at building it...

Thanks for watching.