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1K+ Comments Earned a gold medal
10M+ Views Earned a gold medal
Microcontroller Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Microcontroller Contest
LED Strip Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the LED Strip Speed Challenge
Stick It! Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Stick It! Contest
Full Spectrum Laser Contest 2016
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Full Spectrum Laser Contest 2016
Arduino All The Things! Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Arduino All The Things! Contest
Sci-Fi Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Sci-Fi Contest
Soldering Challenge
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Soldering Challenge
Home Automation
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Home Automation
MAKE ENERGY: A US-Mexico Innovation Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the MAKE ENERGY: A US-Mexico Innovation Challenge
Wood Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Wood Contest
Microcontroller Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Microcontroller Contest
Home Technology Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Home Technology Contest
Gadget Hacking and Accessories Contest
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Gadget Hacking and Accessories Contest
Green Design Contest
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Green Design Contest
Scientific Method Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Scientific Method Contest
Green Electronics Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Green Electronics Challenge
Data Visualization Contest
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Data Visualization Contest
Robot Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Robot Contest
Arduino Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Arduino Contest
123D Circuits Contest
Contest Winner Third Prize in the 123D Circuits Contest
Full Spectrum Laser Contest
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Full Spectrum Laser Contest
Secret Doors and Compartments Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Secret Doors and Compartments Contest
Supercharged Contest
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Supercharged Contest
Hardware Hacking
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Hardware Hacking
Lomography Analog Photography Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Lomography Analog Photography Contest
Instructables Outdoor Projects Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Instructables Outdoor Projects Contest
Make It Glow Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Make It Glow Contest
Hydroponics and Indoor Gardening Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Hydroponics and Indoor Gardening Contest
Remote Control Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Remote Control Contest

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