
Distracted Maker

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LocationSan AntonioJoined
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DIY and Making-Wood, Glass and More!


100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Trash to Treasure Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Trash to Treasure Contest
Art Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Art Challenge
One Board Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the One Board Contest
Plywood Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Plywood Challenge
1000th Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the 1000th Contest
Build a Tool Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Build a Tool Contest
Back to Basics Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Back to Basics Contest
Recycled Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Recycled Speed Challenge
Glass Speed Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Glass Speed Challenge
Home Decor Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Home Decor Contest

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