

Inbox View Profile
LocationLouisville, KYJoined
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I've been an artist all my life. Probably nothing I couldn't accomplish according to my grade school teachers who said "I would make a perfect student if I would just stop drawing all the time". I'm a veteran scouter, Eagle Scout, and still involved with training both youth and Adult leaders. Games, Wood Working, Computers, Graphic Design, Problem Solving are just some of my many interests.


100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Organization Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Organization Challenge
Puzzles Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Puzzles Challenge
Backyard Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Backyard Contest
Rope & String Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Rope & String Speed Challenge
Spotless Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Spotless Contest
Design For Kids Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Design For Kids Challenge
Make It Move Contest 2017
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Make It Move Contest 2017

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