

Inbox View Profile
LocationWichita, KsJoined
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I retired from the USAF in 2005 and now work for a local government as a project manager. I live in a fantastic neighborhood that enjoys getting together to celebrate whatever event happens to be on the calendar, or just because it is Friday, or Saturday, or Sunday....... My main goal right now is to continue to have my neighbors come to the garage when they hear the chop saw or table saw running and ask "What are you up to this time?"!!


100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
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Contest Winner Second Prize in the Barbecue Challenge
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Contest Winner Runner Up in the PVC Challenge
Summer #mikehacks Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Summer #mikehacks Contest
squeeze more awesome out of summer contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the squeeze more awesome out of summer contest

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