

Inbox View Profile
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Maker, engineer, mad scientist and inventor


100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Clocks Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Clocks Contest
Make it Move Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Make it Move Contest
Pocket-Sized Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Pocket-Sized Contest
Wheels Contest 2017
Contest Winner First Prize in the Wheels Contest 2017
Arduino Contest 2017
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Arduino Contest 2017
Design For Kids Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Design For Kids Challenge
PVC Contest 2017
Contest Winner First Prize in the PVC Contest 2017
Wireless Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Wireless Contest
Plastics Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Plastics Contest
Internet of Things Contest 2017
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Internet of Things Contest 2017

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