

Inbox View Profile
LocationWahpeton, NdJoined
Inbox View Profile
I am 37, I have a job that allows me to build and make daily. I love my job. I have 6 children, my oldest is also a maker and has written her own instructables. I own a computer repair shop, and I build a lot of clocks in my spare time. I also build a lot of custom electronics for different businesses around town. I enjoy a challenge. I have Built custom water meters, a custom PA system for a Zoo, A custom video transmitting and recording welding helmet, and many arduino and IOT systems. Mak…


10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Power Supply Contest
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Power Supply Contest
Tables and Desks Contest 2016
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Tables and Desks Contest 2016
CNC Contest 2016
Contest Winner Second Prize in the CNC Contest 2016
Arduino Contest 2016
Contest Winner First Prize in the Arduino Contest 2016
Epilog Contest 8
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Epilog Contest 8
Amps and Speakers Contest 2016
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Amps and Speakers Contest 2016
Circuits Contest 2016
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Circuits Contest 2016
Robotics Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Robotics Contest
Time Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Time Contest
Epilog Contest VII
Contest Winner First Prize in the Epilog Contest VII

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