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Hey, have you ever heard of a giraffe who loves to build!?!?!


10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
One Pot Meals Speed Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the One Pot Meals Speed Challenge
Meat Free Meal Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Meat Free Meal Challenge
Cookies Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Cookies Contest
Spicy Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Spicy Challenge
Warm and Fuzzy Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Warm and Fuzzy Contest
Comfort Food Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Comfort Food Challenge
Stick It! Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Stick It! Contest
Minecraft Challenge 2018
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Minecraft Challenge 2018
Workshop Hacks Challenge 2017
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Workshop Hacks Challenge 2017

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