

Inbox View Profile
LocationMadison, WisconsinJoined
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Hello, my name is Toglefritz. That’s obviously not my real name; my real name is Scott, but on the Internet I use the nom de plume, Toglefritz. I like to make things and I like to share my work with others. I like to take big, complicated projects, and break them down into simple steps that anybody can understand.


1M+ Views Earned a silver medal
Robots Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Robots Contest
Glass Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Glass Speed Challenge
Audio Challenge 2020
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Audio Challenge 2020
Plastics Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Plastics Contest
Microcontroller Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Microcontroller Contest
Spotless Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Spotless Contest
Epilog Challenge 9
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Epilog Challenge 9
Bluetooth Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Bluetooth Challenge
BOSEBuild Design Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the BOSEBuild Design Challenge
Epilog Contest 8
Contest Winner First Prize in the Epilog Contest 8
Design Now: 3D Design Contest 2016
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Design Now: 3D Design Contest 2016
Arduino Contest 2016
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Arduino Contest 2016
IoT Builders Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the IoT Builders Contest
Phone Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Phone Contest
Photography Tips and Tricks Contest
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Photography Tips and Tricks Contest
Formlabs Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Formlabs Contest
Robot Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Robot Contest
Ugly Sweater Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Ugly Sweater Contest
Soup and Stew Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Soup and Stew Contest
3D Design Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the 3D Design Contest
Stuff on a Stick Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Stuff on a Stick Contest
Art of Sound Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Art of Sound Contest

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