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About healthy living, great food and lifestyle.


10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Cookies Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Cookies Speed Challenge
1000th Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the 1000th Contest
Pumpkin Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Pumpkin Challenge
Sandwich Challenge 2020
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Sandwich Challenge 2020
Colors of the Rainbow Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Colors of the Rainbow Contest
Cookies Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Cookies Contest
Coffee Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Coffee Speed Challenge
Some Like It Hot Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Some Like It Hot Contest
Homemade Gifts Contest 2015
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Homemade Gifts Contest 2015
Heirloom Recipes Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Heirloom Recipes Contest
Caffeine Challenge
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Caffeine Challenge
Pumpkin Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Pumpkin Challenge
Edible Art Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Edible Art Challenge
Oil and Vinegar Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Oil and Vinegar Challenge
Cooking Basics Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Cooking Basics Challenge
Meat Contest
Contest Winner Third Prize in the Meat Contest
Pi/e Day Contest
Contest Winner Fourth Prize in the Pi/e Day Contest
Egg Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Egg Challenge
Home Remedies Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Home Remedies Challenge

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