LocationOakham, MassachusettsJoined
Hey there! My name is Chris and I live in Massachusetts. I have been a teacher since 2006 and love the fact that I have the opportunity to bring real-world, hands-on skills to my students. I love learning new things and absolutely love combining multiple skills to complete a project.... especially if it means using renewable or recycled parts! You'll see that my Instructables really spread the gamut of projects ranging from woodworking to gardening, metalworking to electric machines, and onward…


100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Project-Based Learning Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Project-Based Learning Contest
Woodworking Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Woodworking Contest
Electronics Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Electronics Contest
Trash to Treasure Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Trash to Treasure Contest
Bicycle Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Bicycle Speed Challenge
STEM Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the STEM Contest
Make it Glow Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Make it Glow Contest
Remix Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Remix Contest
Woodworking Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Woodworking Contest
Fix It Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Fix It Contest
STEM Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the STEM Contest
Reuse Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Reuse Contest
Teacher Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Teacher Contest
Classroom Organization Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Classroom Organization Challenge
Classroom Science Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Classroom Science Contest
Tape Contest
Contest Winner Fourth Prize in the Tape Contest
Remix Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Remix Contest
First Time Author
Contest Winner Second Prize in the First Time Author

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