

Inbox View Profile
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For anyone wondering I fully transitioned to producing 3D printing content only on YouTube. Old videos are no longer available but all full detailed Instructables are still here if you want to make any of my projects.


100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Plastic Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Plastic Challenge
Lamps and Lighting Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Lamps and Lighting Contest
Jigs & Rigs Speed Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Jigs & Rigs Speed Challenge
The Elements Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the The Elements Speed Challenge
Colors of the Rainbow Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Colors of the Rainbow Contest
Multi-Discipline Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Multi-Discipline Contest
Build a Tool Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Build a Tool Contest
Epilog X Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Epilog X Contest
Remix Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Remix Contest
Woodworking Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Woodworking Contest
Paper Contest 2018
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Paper Contest 2018

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