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Hey I’m faiza, a civil engineer and a crazy food lover obsessed with chocolates and fried food. Follow me for yummilicious new recipes.


100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Raw Food Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Raw Food Contest
Mexican Food Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Mexican Food Contest
Snow Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Snow Contest
Paracord Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Paracord Contest
Comfort Food Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Comfort Food Contest
Bracelet Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Bracelet Contest
Potluck Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Potluck Contest
Baking Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Baking Contest
Copycat Recipes Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Copycat Recipes Contest

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