

Inbox View Profile
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Hi! My name is Hans, I live in Scandinavia where I build whatever pops up in my head, out on to my sketchbook and finally into my hands. My projects here are my favorites and I hope some might inspire you. Remember Process over Perfction!!!


100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
One Board Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the One Board Contest
Box Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Box Challenge
Leather Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Leather Challenge
Remix Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Remix Contest
Bikes Challenge
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Bikes Challenge
Audio Challenge 2020
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Audio Challenge 2020
Pocket-Sized Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Pocket-Sized Speed Challenge
Toys and Games Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Toys and Games Challenge
Leather Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Leather Challenge
Declutter Speed Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Declutter Speed Challenge
Trash to Treasure Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Trash to Treasure Contest
Halloween Contest 2019
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Halloween Contest 2019

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