

Inbox View Profile
Inbox View Profile
Making the most of things by making the most out of things.


10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Glass Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Glass Speed Challenge
Space Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Space Challenge
Cardboard Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Judges Prize in the Cardboard Speed Challenge
After School Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the After School Challenge
Fiber Arts Contest 2017
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Fiber Arts Contest 2017
Soft Toys Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Soft Toys Challenge
Sewn By Hand Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Sewn By Hand Challenge
Made with Yarn Contest 2016
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Made with Yarn Contest 2016
Animal Innovations Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Animal Innovations Contest
Raspberry Pi Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Raspberry Pi Contest

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