Introduction: Pass Driving Test

many people will not  pass their driving test for the contest my age category is 13

Step 1: All Steps

There comes a time in everyone's life where they feel the need to get out and explore life on the road; of course, it's best done legally so you are going to need your papers.

1Before (and after) you take your test,you should practice wherever possible in a relatively empty area. Make sure you have a professional or good driver with you to make sure you're doing things right.
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2Practice driving on the test routes. A list of all of these can be found on the Internet. There are normally 10 to 15 per driving test center. An inspector might question you on all of them.
3Familiarize yourself with street signs, hand gestures and traffic times of your area beforehand.
4Once in the car, adjust the seat to fit your body height and style. You should sit at least 25 centimeters from the steering wheel and your hands should be bent at approximately 45 degrees.
5At all times drive at a safe speed, not necessarily the speed limit, as this will show the inspector you are confident in your abilities, but not so confident you're breaking the law.
6Be sure to check your mirrors regularly. Make this a little more exaggerated than normal, just so it is clear that you are doing it.
7Get a good night's sleep. You'll feel a lot less anxious with more rest. Eat a good breakfast. It's difficult to concentrate when you're hungry.
8Practice with your driving instructor or parent before taking the test. Refresh yourself on parallel parking, backing up straight, and 3 & 4 point turns.
9Practice smaller but important things such as checking your rear view mirror and overhead mirror once in a while, as well as coming to a full stop at stop signs. Make sure you use your indicator and parallel park correctly or you will lose points.
10Get your car ready. Make sure you have the car's registration, that all headlights and indicators work and there are no cracks in the windshield and showing from your bum. As this is seen as offensive to some people, while others see it as a turn on. You don't know who you will get. It also helps if the car is neat and clean inside.
11Make sure you arrive at least 10 minutes prior to your appointment. Bring your completed and signed Driver's Log, Drivers Ed certificate, driving time with an instructor certificate, and your learners permit. Also bring your social security card and birth certificate for identification purposes.
12Get in the car with the inspector. Relax. Adjust your seat, mirrors, and steering wheel to help ensure the inspector that you know what you are doing. Ask any questions that you have prior to the test. The inspector will be glad to answer them.
13Stop at all stop signs. Use right indicator when you turn right or pull out of the parked position. Keep your eyes on the road, gazing to the right and left, and look in each mirror once in a while to see that no car is coming behind you.
14Parallel park as best as you can. Make sure you turn on your indicators, as not doing so will likely ensure a failure. Try not to bump the curb, go slowly and carefully, looking to the back and sides as you do so. Remember, it's OK to slightly bump the curb, just not jump it. You will lose some points, but that's better than failing the test altogether.
15Go for a drive with your parent asking them to watch that you check all your mirrors correctly and do all your manouvers correctly the morning before your test to help you gain some confidence.
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Stay calm and focused.
Always eat breakfast in the morning!
If you can, always do the test in the vehicle you are most used to driving in. This must be up to safe driving standards so it is recommended that if using your car, you have it serviced first.
Familiarize yourself with the location of various controls in the car you'll use for the test. You may be asked to show the location of various switches (hazard lights, windshield wipers, high beams, etc.)
When you make a turn, you should always look both ways, so you don't hit any incoming cars.
A common mistake that beginners often make is braking too hard. Make sure you take your foot off the accelerator early and coast before using your brake to lightly finish your movement. If you move straight from the gas to the brake, your stop will be hard and you will lose points. If you do this often, you may end up failing the test on this alone!
If and when your instructor asks you to park uphill with a curb, be sure to remember the three special words. Mirror, Signal, Blind spot. Or if it is easier to remember; MSB.
A green light never really means "go!" when you make a turn. If you're turning across an intersection at a green light, wait to see if the cars in the other lane have a red light.
Always stop behind the limit lines (you can always pull up a little after you make a complete stop).
Always know where your lane is before you're there.
Avoid slowing down your car before changing lanes. Try to keep it at the same speed so that you don't disturb the flow of traffic.
Take a drivers education course (6 hours behind the wheel). They will review the course with you and really improve your driving.
Calm down and relax. You're capable of this.
Get more driving hours in than required, you'll feel a lot more experienced and comfortable.
Talk to a good friend beforehand to give you some comfort.
Don't tell anyone that you're going to take your test. That way, you don't feel the pressure of having to admit to everyone the next day if you failed.
Failing is not the worst thing in the world. Simply schedule another test. Do not get discouraged! You will get it eventually.
Feel free to admit that you are nervous.
Greet the examiner and be friendly. Shake their hand at the start and respond if they try to make conversation during the test; however, try not to be over-talkative as this may distract you from driving.
If you pass your test, thank your examiner warmly.
Watch out for the cones.
Reread your notes from drivers ed about road signs, traffic laws, which lane you have to be in, etc.
If possible, try and go to your local DMV before your actual test and follow the test takers to get a taste of what you will most likely get.
Not all examiners are friendly. Sometimes you can get examiners that shout at you, and make rather nasty comments about your driving. Try to block them out, and most importantly, focus. Never take their hurtful words to heart, and listen if they give actual good advice.
If possible, schedule your test during a time when there is less traffic.
Find out which streets/area of the city the road test generally occurs in. Practice driving in that area.
When practicing driving, drive to the testing center at some point.
Have your supervising driver do a mock road test for you.
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These tips do not apply for people who didn't master driving. A person needs to practice for many hours under professional guidance in order to master driving.
Don't think just because you get your license, you can't have it revoked.
Don't try to watch what the examiner is writing on his/her sheet, just focus on driving. If you make a mistake, don't worry about it. Thinking about what's already happened will only cause you to make more mistakes.
Don't swear or use rude gestures with the instructor in the car; it will leave a negative bit on your report.
Always turn off the radio before the inspector even gets in the car. This will make it look as if you never listen to it.
Always practice with a licensed driver. If you get pulled over without your permit, you may not be able to receive your license until you're 21!
Inspectors are people just like you. They want to see that you pass the test, but they have to make sure that you will be a good driver. Exude confidence, obey the rules of the road, and you'll pass.
Depending on where you live, just because you passed your road test doesn't mean you have your full license. Remember to follow any restrictions your license class has or there will be consequences!
Depending on where you live, the road test may not cover absolutely everything that deals with driving (ie. highway driving, gravel roads, etc.) So just because you got your license doesn't mean you know everything about driving and there aren't some things you could still learn about.
When you get your license, don't pick up bad driving habits.