Introduction: Pin Wheels!
Pin wheels are so cute and so easy to make with things from around the house. They make excellent party decor or just a room decor. If you want to learn how to make these awesome wheels then keep reading!
Step 1: You Will Need...
- a hot glue gun or super glue
- a barbecue skewer
- a cutting mat and an x-acto knife
- a piece of square paper
- 2 beads
- wire and wire cutters
-a hole punch
- a barbecue skewer
- a cutting mat and an x-acto knife
- a piece of square paper
- 2 beads
- wire and wire cutters
-a hole punch
Step 2: Step 1
fold your paper in half diagonally and unfold and fold again the other way and unfold.
Step 3: Step 2
cut an inch away from the centre on the diagonal lines
Step 4: Step 3
using the hole puncher, punch a hole on the right corner of each triangle and in the centre.
Step 5: Step 4
wrap the wire around the barbecue skewer and secure with some hot glue (make sure there is about an inch of wire hanging out) then thread a bead onto the wire.
Step 6: Step 5
thread the middle hole through the wire and then the outer holes in a clockwise direction and add a bead. put hot glue on the end of the wire and slide the bead up for security.
Step 7: Thankyou
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By the way... Thankyou guys so much... I got 600 views on my how to doodle tutorial! what?