Introduction: Plastic Bottle Crab

About: Independant cg artist and educator. Formerly Co-Founder of a film and animation studio in Bangalore - Formerly worked on various app and mobile game projects with Mostly a designer and digital illustrator, I'v…
Make a 3d crab out of an old bottle

Step 1: Materials

1 plastic bottle (one crab per bottle)
1 pair of scissors or whatever cutting instrument you are comfy with


enamel paint or other pigment that will stick on the plastic

Step 2: Cutting the Eye Stalks

cut off the top of the bottle.
cut a inch and half strip and fold it up..the eye stalks will be cut out of this

Step 3: Cutting Out the Claws and Legs

cut two stips on either side of the first flap.. give them spoon shaped ends(refer to the image) we'll fashion a pair of claws from these

cut as many more flaps as you like for the legs...i prefer six legs, but some like 8...whatever is biologically accurate i guess

Step 4: Eyes, Claws and Legs

cutout the eye could stick marbles or buttons on the stalks for eyes i guess

fold the claw-arms so they become more rigid...split the spoon and mke folds like in the image ..this gives you the claws..
the legs are pretty simple..fold fold fold :)

and thats about it.. you can decorate yours with paint and whatever else you like :)

dangle this crab under a light or in a window...

Step 5: Paint It Up White

i used acrylic paints, but you could use enamel paint or spray cans too.

1) paint a base coat of white as the primer.. priming the surface ensures that your colours will turn out bright. a common mistake is that people spray on the colours they want.. and then it doesnt quite turn out as bright as they thought it would.

Step 6: Paint Your Colours

once the base paint is dry, go ahead and paint on your colours.
i've hand painted it, so it looks a bit shabby .. for a finer finish i would have used spray cans or an airbrush

Step 7: Stuff Created by Kids

I occasionally do workshops with kids at schools or children's homes, here are some of their creations. sometimes i come up with new stuff like the scorpions you see in these pics

Keep the Bottle Contest

Participated in the
Keep the Bottle Contest