Introduction: Working K-nex Grenade With Pin!

About: I call myself the cameraman because cameras are my LIFE (so is k'nex and computer stuff). I have so many ideas, but just so much more stuff I need to do! so I can't post much. sorry about that. Models I am th…
this thing is double the size of others, so more shrapnel will fly out. the only problem is when building you have to be careful or the grenade will fall apart. if this is similar to someone elses I am sorry.

Step 1: Get Your Pieces!

in this photo I have only 1 rubber band. you need 2 instead of 1. you need:

8 green connectors

3 snowflake connectors

24 yellow half moon connectors

8 red connectors

2 gray single slot connectors

1 gray rod

4 gray spacers

4 blue spacers

2 rubber bands

Step 2: The Bottom

this is the bottom of the grenade. you need:

8 red connectors

1 snowflake connector

Step 3: The Bottom Body

this is the bottom body of the grenade. you need:

8 yellow half moon connectors

Step 4: Body Connecter

this here piece connects the bodies of the grenade. you need:

8 yellow half moon connectors (I here used gray)

1 snowflake connector

Step 5: Upper Body

this is the upper part of the body of the grenade. you need:

8 yellow half moon connectors

Step 6: Top

this is the top part of the grenade. you need:

8 green connectors

1 snowflake connector

Step 7: Pin

this is the pin that allows the explosion by this grenade. you need:

1 gray rod

4 gray spacers

4 blue spacers

Step 8: Add Rubber Bands


put the rubber bands so a large detonation is made. you need:

2 rubber bands

Step 9: YOUR DONE!!!!!

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