Introduction: 5L Beer Can Stove 2.0 From All Scrabs
This is the 2nd time I build a stove from a beer barrel, the last one was cheaper made BITBURG, recycled to trash, this Heineken is way stronger made, I think it will last much longer even forerve=r
Step 1: Cut
Kind of enjoy this step, takes longer and flares like a pro...
be careful to your hands and eyes, ware google.
Step 2: Build a Grill
Bend, drill holes and insert, quite easy as shown.
Step 3: A Perfect Tool for Big Holes
The drill bids worked great!
Step 4: Best Idea Every Had
as we have the mini drill to cut, this was easy too, and amazingly effective, I atatched the tomato can without a scew, see details of how to lock them from outside and inside.
Step 5: Handle.
Sometimes you may think it isn't necessary, but release one hand makes sense while you are moving everything out from your kitchen to yard.
Step 6: Test Run
Here I thought it was finished, however in the test run, I found when I put the wok on, I got more smoke than leaving a vent up. then keep coming the best part as following
Step 7: What Do You Call This?
Support to the wok made by the rest of the cutting. quite easy and very functional, I almost believe I am a genius. ;-D
Step 8: Finished One, Working!
Very interesting plate to ensure a solid base of the stove, everything goes perfectly fine!
Fried fish, veggies, and onion. no waste of carbon, bonch of fire, and well-controlled flame.