Introduction: A Hands on Activity Time!

About: Hello there! My name is Amanda, I hail from Tennessee! I dabble in many mediums and am mediocre at most of them! I mainly sew (cosplay mostly these days), and am into photography, but I have been known to get…
Okay, so I'm certain I'm not the first to come up with this idea, But I did it yesterday and the kids LOVED this activity!

Supplies you will need:
Playdough, or something close to it.
A playdough dotted line tool (Or just about anything that you can use to etch dotted lines into the playdough)
Playdough Scissors or Safety Scissors.
Some kiddos.

-Roll out some playdough on a flat surface.
-Take your dotted line tool and make a shape.
-Ask the child to name the shape, and then cut it out along the dotted lines.
-Relax because your kids are quietly playing with playdough instead of running amock.