Introduction: Active LEGO Wonderland

About: As a young kid, my curiosity in electronics was compelling.... why does thunder interrupt the radio reception? ....why does ROBOTs run without any wire?.... and I've been hooked on making thing ever since.

it is a lazy sunday morning, i made a tiny LEGO wonderland and .....

i have figuring how to make the farris wheel turning out .

Step 1: Where to Order the Pack

Step 2: Materials

1. wonderland pack * 1

2. dc motor * 1

3. rubber band * 1

4. AAA battery * 2

5. battery holder * 1

6. hot grue gun * 1

7. small straw * 1(normal)

(I use a straw and you can use the isolate skin of the power cord also .)

8. largel straw * 1(for big bra milk tea)

(I use a straw and you can use the isolate skin of the power cord also .)

Step 3: Assembling

1. assemble the farris wheel's base.

2. assemble the farris wheel's 4 supports.

3. assembly the big farris wheel and carts.

4. assemble the farris wheel's main cross.

5. assemble the farris wheel's second cross.

6. assemble the farris wheel's third cross.

7. assemble the axe of the farris wheel's main cross.

8. assemble the farris wheel's to finish it.

9.extend and assemble the farris wheel's shaft.

Step 4: Make It Active

the large straw and the motor shaft ratio is 30:1 .