Introduction: Adjustable Lego Ipod Stand

About: My friends and I have created a group Called Invention Co. , We call ourselves the innovative inventors of today. We will be submitting diy guides daily.
I have seen many many many stands. But they dont all have the ability to adjust at which angle you want to see the screen. So i created this stand that can actually stand at 4 different angles. It is quite stable. Also the best part is you can easily attach headphones and sound is loud and clear as ever.

So lets get started!

Step 1: Base!

For the base you need

8 2x4 double standard pieces
3 4x4 flat pieces
2 2x6 double standard pieces

Look at the Pictures for Help!

First off 6 2x4 double standard pieces in a row. Then take your flat pieces and clip them on top of the double pieces like a layer. Your next step is to take the two double standards that are left and clip them on vertically on each side of the base. After that take the two remaining pieces and place them horizontally in the middle so there is one gap on either side of the pieces.

Step 2: Last Base Piece!

Last thing you need to do is attach this movable piece thingamajig. I don't know what to call it so ill show a picture.
Remember, when attaching it, it should always move backwards. And remember when you put it on, put exactly in the middle, on row behind the first. It should look like the picture above.

Step 3: Stand

For this part you need 

9 2x4 double standard pieces

Now stack them in this order on top of eachother like a pyramid:

                       1 on top
                  2 below the top
              3 below the last one
          3 below the last 3 below
Technically it should look like the photo above

Step 4: Stands

You are going to need:

2 2x3 flats
2 2x4 flats
2 1x4 flats
2 1x2 standard
2 1x6 standards

First take a 1x6 standard and 1 1x4 flat and place the flat on the standard to one side so you can see two spots left.
Do the same with the other one.
Now take a 1x2 standard and with what you just made add it beneath it , vertically, to the side where you put the 1x4 flat


Step 5: Ipod Holder

For this part you will need:

2 4x4 flats
1 2x4 flats
2 1x8 standards
1 1x6 standard

First place the square flats on top of each other so they become double thick.

The place the rectangular flat in the middle of the square vertically.
So no it should look like the picture above.

Then attach the two legos shown in the picture ( 2nd)

3rd step will be shown in the third picture.

Step 6: First Attachment

Attach the 3 pieces as shown in the pictures.

Step 7: 2nd Attachment

Attach the piece shown in the picture.

Step 8: Last Attachment.

The last attachment is the pyramid. Place it behind the movable piece so the ipod doesnt fall. Plus it can lock into 4 different positions.

Step 9: Your Done!

Now your done!! Treat yourself to a movie, Or just have fun!
Toy Challenge 2

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Toy Challenge 2