Introduction: An Ashtray in Can

About: Here to share my ideas, my creations. I try to make instructables with to language : english and french _______________________________________ Ici pour partager mes idées, mes créations. J'essaye de créer de…
Necessary equipment :

1 pair of scissors
1 can

Step 1: 1-Cut the Top of the Can

Step 2: 2-Creation of Strips

Creation of strips

Cut regular strips with scissors as well from the width as from the length.
The depth depends on you, stop scissors where you wish your depth.

Step 3: 3-The Folding

Fold strips as indicated on photos.
Once on two.
Make all the tour of the can.

Step 4: 4-The Back of the Can

It is going to need to put the can back to front and fold the pieces which exceed.

Look at photos for more precision.

Once ended, you finished your ashtray!

Decline with the other cans for different styles!

That all !