Introduction: Apple Danish

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Oh, how I LOVE apple season... To me, there’s nothing quite like the smell of apples, butter and cinnamon baking together, while leaving a warming scent throughout the home... Yankee Candles are great, but nothing compared to the real deal. It makes the atmosphere feel so uplifting and brings back fond memories of long ago at my Grandma’s home… the aroma is wonderful. This Apple Danish recipe (I created in 1981) is very moist and makes a wonderful addition to any breakfast. There's nothing better then coffee and fresh danishes to start your day!!
Great for brunch too..

Step 1: Apple Ingredients

8 to 10 medium apples, I use Granny Smith and Braeburn apples, (Braeburn are great apples, they hold their shape and don’t release a lot of liquid when baked. A great apple for pies and tarts!)

¾ to 1 cup sugar

1/2 tsp. salt

2 tbsp. flour

1 ½ to 2 tsp. cinnamon

¼ nutmeg

2 tbsp. cold butter, cubed

Step 2: Filling Direction:

In a large bowl, Sift together two times the sugar, salt, flour, cinnamon and fresh grated nutmeg. Set aside.

Step 3: The Crust:

For the crust, you can use your favorite pie crust recipe. Just add 1 egg to the dough.

Step 4: My Vintage Pie Dough Recipe


Crust Ingredients:
3 1/4 cups flour

1 tsp. salt

2 tbsp. sugar

1 cup shortening

½ cup butter

1 egg

1/4 cup ice water

Step 5: Crust Directions

Cut the butter and shortening into 1/2-inch cubes and return to therefrigerator while you prepare the flour mixture

Step 6:

Place the flour, sugar, and salt in the bowl of a food processor fitted with a steel blade and pulse a few times, to mix .

Step 7:

Add the butter and shortening. Pulse 8 to 12 times, until the butter resembles the size of small peas.

Step 8:

With the machine running, pour the ice water and egg down the feed tube and pulse the machine until the dough begins to form a ball.

Step 9: NOTE:

As with any baking, I always remove the chalazae ("umbilical cord,"), from the eggs and discard!

Step 10:

Dump out onto a floured board and roll into a ball, or into two balls, slightly flatten them. You should be able to see small chunks of butter speckling the dough. This is a good thing. These small bits of butter will spread out into layers as the crust cooks so you have a flaky crust!

Step 11:

Wrap in plastic wrap then refrigerate the dough for 30 minutes.

Step 12:

Divide dough into two parts. On a floured surface, roll i1 half of the dough to approximately 1/3" thick. To fit a 10X15 jellyroll pan, lining both the bottom and up the sides.
Place the dough- lined pan in the refrigerator for 20 mins.

Step 13: The Apples

For each of apples, I cut each in half, then I cut in half, then in half again.

Peeling each wedge, and making sure to remove the core.

Cut each wedge into bigger sized chunks, placing in a bigger bowl.

Step 14:

Combine the sugar mixture with the apples, mixing to evenly coat apples. Chill in refrigerator, so to keep apples COLD.

Step 15:

Spoon the apple mixture into crust-lined jellyroll pan. Dot with the 2 tbsp. butter.

Step 16:

Now the fun part... Roll out top crust and gently transfer, making sure to completely cover the apples and sealing the edges.
Make 5 to 7 small slits, allowing steam to escape. Refrigerate while pre-heating the oven.

Step 17: The Oven

Pre-heat oven to 375 °F.

Step 18:

Bake in the pre-heat oven at 375 F degrees for 1hour, or until apples are tender and the crust is a golden color.

Step 19:

Remove it from the oven, and cool on a cooling rack. Cool at room temp. for 1 hour.

Step 20: The Glaze


1 cup confectioner’s sugar, sifted

2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted

1 tablespoon milk

1 tsp. vanilla extract

Combine all ingredients in a small bowl, mix until smooth and creamy.

Drizzle over the slight warm Apple Danish. Cool completely, and cut into squares.

Note: I know it may be difficult, but this Apple Danish is best Refrigerated overnight, to enhance the flavors.

Step 21:

I hope your family enjoys my Apple Danish recipe as much as my family has!!! God Bless, and happy baking!!!!!!!!