Introduction: Art Work With Paints
Good afternoon to everyone today I have made a shaded painting. In which I have taken white sheet on which I have done black colour to give the shade I used pink, purple, blue and sky blue colour. I mixed that colours very carefully so that they should not get spoil. Then I get my painting ready. With beautiful look and shade.
On Facebook also some have asked how I drew they also said to sell it but I said that is is my hobby . Not my business to earn money.
Step 1: What I Have Taken
First I have taken a single and simple white sheet
Step 2: What the Next
then I done th sheet fully black to give it shade like shown in image
Step 3: At Last I
in then end I given them the shade with oil pastel colours pink, blue, sky-blue purple and black. Shown in image
Step 4: In the End
and finally I drew my drowing which is shown to you.