Introduction: Assassin's Creed Syndicate Cane Sword Replica

About: i am now a full-time 3D Artist, constantly believe i can be a better man, Just be the change you wanna see in the world, thats why i am here...

Welcome to this a replica of Jacob Frye’s eagle cane Instructable collaboration!... this is brought to you by mchau2 and MarikoSusie

Cane sword, the latest in Assassin weaponry! A combination of stealth and gentleman embodiment. Fans including us would die for one. Unfortunately many fans around the globe can't own the official replica (toy) of Jacob’s cane sword due to shipping and tons of other troubles... lack of references on details, due to it being very recently revealed… Here is our little attempt to solve this problem with a sculpting approach! We did spent a little money on this one, but trust us it is worth it!!

This tutorial features:

· Our detailed reconstruction of the cane’s design

· Step by step pictures of the process

· A short youtube videos tutorial as well as written version

· Sculpting and artisan experience, once you master the technique you can build whatever you like!!

· Of course, it can be customize in any size and level of detail as you wish, get creative!

Comparing to the AC Unity Phantom Blade we built before, this one is an Absolute Step up...

!!More skills, time and dedication are required!!

What are you waiting for fellow assassins?

Author's note: youtube video in process... coming soon

Step 1: Preparation

Every good project requires time, dedication and never the less PREPARATION!!

Before E3 2015! Yep, we really couldn’t wait! That’s how excited we got seeing the first trailer for Syndicate to start working on this project, with barely any references we did manage to sculpt the eagle head digitally and then use our 3D model as reference for the fimo sculpture

If you have read our previous Instructables... You may find the following preparation advice familiar, But it’s so important I have to put it here...

Conceptual preparation:

1. Fetch your favourite umbrella and measure it (1 metre should be good!)

Physical preparation:

1. have a clean working table or station (which i fail all the time)

2. save some lunch money for home depot shopping!

we also sculpt the cane on computer, and retypologized it... So we have a better sense of the 3D forms!!

Attached with sketches and work plans we did for our cane... for reference... feel free to make your own plan and sketch but you can also print ours, it’s easy and A4 friendly!

BTW, we are selling the 3d print cane on Shapeways!! free free to take a look if you are not into sculpting and have some extra bucks laying around... its a bit small in order to keep it cheap (10cm)... there are a few sizes for choices, free free to request a specific size.

Step 2: Materials and Tools

Quick sidenote, the

prices may vary by country, we are in Switzerland for this craft, so for you it might (absolutely!) be cheaper yay!


· Wooden stick, should be around 3cm diameter and 1 metre tall 5.08chf

· Fimo soft clay 350g 19.00chf (note: we only used half of the package for this craft)

· Acrylic paints, gold, black and silver


· Your sculpting hands!

· Aluminium foil

· Masking tape

· Cutters

· Brushes

· Hammer and a nail

· Sanding paper

· Hairdryer

· Oven (optional)

This is it for material and tools,

!!Caution!! cutter and hammer could potentially be dangerous, use with care.

Step 3: Prepare the Wooden Stick

If you have any doubts

or questions ask me in the comment below, I will try my best to answer you ASAP...

A picture beats a thousand words...

The cane sword build is fun... pls refer to the pics if my following steps description falls short...

1. Start by marking four points on the wooden stick from one end at 22cm, 45cm, 68cm and a last one at 91cm. (as you can see we used masking tape for this purpose which is very handy!)

2. Shave off the top end of the stick into a hemisphere with the help of a cutter and the bottom into a slant edge

3. Hammer a nail on the bottom to act as an armature for the pointy tip.

4. Paint it with the black acrylic


1. Masking tape or white chalk can be used for the marking on the stick if the paint covers up your tracks.

2, We did not use acrylic, instead we use bitumen wood stain, in which we can preserve the wood texture

Step 4: Sculpting With Fimo

Don’t freak out! Sculpting with Fimo is awesome!! This is our first time using Fimo so we are in the same boat as you!

right after you open a pack of fimo, depending on the stocking condition in the store you bought them, they may feel a bit stiff. And you may feel like "how can i possibly shape this rigid thing",

Here comes Conditioning... to knead the clay,like you do for a pasta dough. you fold and pull, fold it again and again. Until it feels fluffy and soft. Body temperature as well as the air you fold in will make it nice to work and sculpt with.

Wrap the top only of the cane with aluminium foil and make a basic shape of the eagle’s head Make a ball the size of an egg with the clay Flatten the ball Apply it on the aluminium foil and begin sculpting the eagle out.


Using aluminium foil core cuts the weight, saves clay and reduces baking time for any sculpture.

Pay attention while adding the foil not too add too much! Otherwise when you will add the clay the eagle might look too bulky!!

roll the clay flat with a circular jar or even your wooden stick!!

Step 5: Baking and Sanding

If you don’t want to use your oven to bake the clay then you can totally

use a hairdryer! It works wonders! Either way it will take you about 20 minutes for it to harden Use a cutter to shave some hard edges and engrave the creases such as the nose and the collar Sand the sculpts surface till it’s smooth (80 grit sand paper should do the job!)


Rotate the stick for even distribution of heat!! After 20 minutes the clay will be very hot and slightly gummy still, it gets much harder after you let it cool down! It’s okay to re-bake it if it’s not hard enough.

Step 6: Sculpting the Details

Lay these thin strips of clay to complete all the details on the neck, rim

Hair dryer may be a better choice than oven since you have more control specifyic for the details...

(don’t forget the awesome Assassin’s insignia on this part!) and the bottom, to make these clay strips thin it’s a cool trick to roll them out Reminder: the details on Jacob’s cane are plants and adding some leafs is a nice touch. you can totally get creative by adding spirals and veins, staying true to the Victorian theme.

Step 7: Painting

  1. Paint a dark base coat, make sure to cover everywhere even the tiniest white with the base coat! If you don't, that might look horrible!
  2. Drybrush with the gold paint to obtain realism
  3. Paint the silver highlights


  1. Use a very dark brown instead of black it seals the deal of bronze
  2. Don't hesitate to paint two layers of the dark coat if necessary!!
  3. Drybrushing is not a thing you master in one day, word of advice: think about leaving out more dark rather than painting it all gold

Step 8: Go Small or Go Home...

it bums me to see instructables of great scale and fancy workshops, because not every one is an industrial design student that has access to cool equipment and 3D printers. Going big is good, Instructable is not a crafting report on what you did with your fancy toys, an instructable should be clear, accessible and optimized for every determined individual.

If you think this instructable is too big of a scale for you, SCALE IT DOWN!!

Check out this miniature version we had tons of fun making.

we used this petite chopsticks from a sushi takeaway, add clay and paint, etc

So don't let your resources limit your Creativity!!

You may also think of this as a prototyping, or an overview of the whole project!!

Haha a project of long hours need fuel, what better than a plate of good old english fish and chip!!

Step 9: There You Go...

And Here You go!!! The latest and awesome Cane Sword!!

Add holster and carry it around!! Go and improve the design or mechanism!! i know the cane is also contractable with hidden blade. Show me what you guys come up with… Hope you all have a great time and pick up a few tricks in this instructable… This is a good starting point for anyone interested in fimo sculpting!! You should all be proud of your self!! Don’t hesitate to give me feedback or any advice or constructive criticism. I tried to put even more pics and add some more specific instruction

is it the right style for you? Let me know, Tell me more about what you think… If you are patient enough, and read till here. Thanks for Your time and support, if you like my work, feel free to give me a like, comment below or/and subscribe to my account!!… I really appreciate it!! Lastly I am also entering a contest with this instructable (Clay contest), pls vote for me if u think I am worthy… THX... SEE YOU ALL IN MY NEXT INSTRUCTABLE!!

Clay Contest

Runner Up in the
Clay Contest