Introduction: Awesome Lego Things

About: I love fiddling around with tech and toys and making crazy things. Needn't I say more. I will also post more soon so don't u worry

First off I'm going to tell you how to make a Lego instrument... It's simple and fun with building blocks. It is great because it is unlimited to what you can do with fabulous ideas.

Step 1:

I'm going to start with a Lego base and place some bricks down

Step 2:

A tower like structure is perfect for putting a rubber band on

Step 3:

The rubber band is on and plucking it produces a sound

Step 4:

More bands and Lego equals more tones and pitches

Step 5:

It doesn't matter what thickness it is as long as it can go around the Lego

Step 6:

So many possibilities

Step 7:

Take a long piece with holes in it (doesnt matter how long)

Step 8:

Add Axel and wheels

Step 9:

Add foot rest (finger rest) and handlebars

Step 10:

So if someone asks... Just say its a finger Segway

Step 11:

Community Contest: Toy Building Blocks

Participated in the
Community Contest: Toy Building Blocks