Introduction: Bamboo IPad Lens Dial Moviemount
Inspired by the Makayama Moviemount for Ipad and the Photojoyo Lens dial I thought about making a combined system much cheaper than these.
I rigged up some stuff which I had lying around and combined it with the magnetic mini lenses I bought cheap at for my Kodak Playsport.
The photo's you see here do speak for themselves, I hope. With the short comments in the pictures I pressume you can figure out how to make such a mount out of cheap materials if you would want to. If not I'm happy to give some more information when you leave a comment.
I rigged up some stuff which I had lying around and combined it with the magnetic mini lenses I bought cheap at for my Kodak Playsport.
The photo's you see here do speak for themselves, I hope. With the short comments in the pictures I pressume you can figure out how to make such a mount out of cheap materials if you would want to. If not I'm happy to give some more information when you leave a comment.