Introduction: Banana Fruit Leather

About: I work in the mental health field as therapist in a residential treatment program. I also have a duel career in health and wellness doing massage and personal exercise training. My hobbies which spill over in…

Healthy snack with no unnecessary ingredients. Great way to preserve fruit and use up very ripe bananas.

Step 1: Ingredients


Coconut oil

Step 2: Blend

Blend your bananas until there are no clumps of any kind. I used 2 bananas and it was more than enough for a 9x13 cookie sheet.

Step 3: Oil

Put a tiny bit of oil on your tin foil or cookie sheet, the picture above is too much. Spread it around and then pour your banana soup onto the cookie sheet.

Step 4: Spread

Spread out the banana as thin and evenly as you can. A dough cutter or frosting knife works well for this.

Step 5: Bake

Bake at 180 for about 2 hours. Check every 30 minutes to make sure things are going well. Depending on how thin your spread is, 2 hours may be too long.

Step 6: Store

If you have any left after the leather comes out of the oven, use a pizza cutter to slice up the leather into strips and store in air tight plastic container for up to a month.

Makerspace Contest 2017

Participated in the
Makerspace Contest 2017