Introduction: Batch File Prank #1
This is my first instructable.
This prank is very simple, yet very effective.
I made it myself, so don't go thinking I stole it from someone else.
What you need:
-A Windows computer
-A knowledge of how to copy/paste text
-A victi- I mean- friend
And that's it!
Step 1: The File Itself
1. Open Notepad.
2. Copy+Paste this into Notepad:
@echo off
color 0a
echo %random%%random%%random%happyface :)
echo %random%%random%%random%happyface :)
echo %random%%random%%random%happyface :)
echo %random%%random%%random%happyface :)
ping localhost -n 5 >nul
dir /s
echo :) > %random%%random%.txt
echo :) > %random%%random%.txt
echo :) > %random%%random%.txt
echo :) > %random%%random%.txt
echo :) > %random%%random%.txt
echo :) > %random%%random%.txt
echo :) > %random%%random%.txt
echo :) > %random%%random%.txt
echo :) > %random%%random%.txt
echo :) > %random%%random%.txt
echo :) > %random%%random%.txt
echo :) > %random%%random%.txt
echo :) > %random%%random%.txt
echo :) > %random%%random%.txt
echo :) > %random%%random%.txt
echo :) > %random%%random%.txt
color 07
echo Computer successfully infected.
echo Press any key to exit.
pause >nul
3. Save it as all files, then call it happyface.bat
~Optional~ Put it in a random folder, send it to Desktop as shortcut, then change the icon.
4. Done!
Step 2: What the File Does
First it says 3 lines of the same thing:
Random numbers, followed by a smiley face.
Then it lists all of your files, though it looks like someone's hacking or it's deleting everything.
In the background, it creates multiple .txt files.
Then, it says this:
"Computer successfully infected.
Press any key to exit."
And, as it says, you can press any key to exit.