Introduction: Blackhead Removal Smoothing Mask
Winter is finally over!!!! Time for spring cleaning and I'm not talking about your closet. We need to get rid of the blackheads on our face. Blackheads form when hair follicles on the skin get clogged with excess oil and dead skin cells. When oil builds up, it pulls to collect dirt and dead skin cells. If not washed off, the oil falls back into the pore and forms a clog known as a comedo. When a comedo has an opening at the surface, it appears darker; this is the dreaded blackhead.
The Blackhead Removal and Smoothing Mask is quick and you probably have all the ingredients at your house already! This mask is super easy and you will have less blackheads and baby soft skin.
What You Will Need:
Almond milk (or any milk that you prefer)
Unflavored gelatin (Jell-O)
Essential oil (I would suggest eucalyptus because it provides a cooling and refreshing effect)
Small Bowl
Microwave or Stove
Benefits of the Ingredients for your Skin:
Almond Milk - Almond milk is used to cleanse and rejuvenate the skin. Another benefit is the increasing of smooth skin tone, radiation, glow, and softness.
Gelatin- is an ingredient extracted from animal skin and bone and contains collagen-like characteristics that strengthen skin elasticity and stimulates collagen production to keep skin smooth, firm and reduces skin hyperpigmentation problems like dark spots and age spots.
Essential Oil- is a fragrant, highly concentrated natural constituents that are found in plants.
The Blackhead Removal and Smoothing Mask is quick and you probably have all the ingredients at your house already! This mask is super easy and you will have less blackheads and baby soft skin.
What You Will Need:
Almond milk (or any milk that you prefer)
Unflavored gelatin (Jell-O)
Essential oil (I would suggest eucalyptus because it provides a cooling and refreshing effect)
Small Bowl
Microwave or Stove
Benefits of the Ingredients for your Skin:
Almond Milk - Almond milk is used to cleanse and rejuvenate the skin. Another benefit is the increasing of smooth skin tone, radiation, glow, and softness.
Gelatin- is an ingredient extracted from animal skin and bone and contains collagen-like characteristics that strengthen skin elasticity and stimulates collagen production to keep skin smooth, firm and reduces skin hyperpigmentation problems like dark spots and age spots.
Essential Oil- is a fragrant, highly concentrated natural constituents that are found in plants.
Step 1:
Wash and pat your face dry, this is very important because the mask will not stick.
Step 2:
In a small bowl, empty one packet of unflavored gelatin.
Step 3:
Add 3 drops of essential oil
Step 4:
Add 2 1/2 tbs of almond milk to the gelatin and essential oil mixture. Use the spoon and stir until it is completely moist. It will be very clumpy.
Step 5:
Microwave the mixture for 10 seconds,the mixture will look smooth and shouldn't have clumps. If it has clumps put it back in the microwave for 5 more seconds.
Step 6:
The mixture will be warm so please be careful when putting it on your face, make sure it is not too hot. The mixture hardens quickly, so you have to slather the mixture on your face quickly. Avoid eyes, eyebrows and your hairline.
Step 7:
When the mask is stiff and dry ( it usually takes 10-15 minutes) you can start peeling the mask.
Step 8:
If you missed any bits you can gently rinse it off with warm water.
Step 9:
Apply a great moisturizer
Step 10:
Feel your smooth blackhead free baby soft skin.