Introduction: Blue Meth (Breaking Bad)

About: Hi! I am Klinong, that is how my loving family calls me, except my brother, he calls me Krinyol, as I have silly curly hair :) I love Instructables for forever now, especially for the contests ha-ha!, but I …

If you like watching Breaking Bad and thinking to dress up as Mr. White (Heisenberg), here is his famous blue meth recipe!

Step 1: Blue Meth (Hard Candy)

You can flavor this with whatever you like, peppermint, mint, vanilla, almond, lemon, or leave it as is

3 3/4 cups white sugar

1 1/2 cups light corn syrup

1 cup water

1 tablespoon flavoring if used

1/2 teaspoon blue food coloring (a little more if needs be)

candy thermometer

In a medium saucepan, stir together the white sugar, corn syrup, and water.

Cook, stirring, over medium heat until sugar dissolves, then bring to a boil.

Without stirring, heat to 300 to 310 degrees F (149 to 154 degrees C), or until a small amount of syrup dropped into cold water forms hard, brittle threads.

Remove from heat and stir in flavored extract and food coloring.

Pour onto a greased cookie sheet. Let cool, and break into pieces. Store in an airtight container.

NOTE: Please don't burn yourself as the liquid is SUPER hot!