Introduction: Bournville Brownie

We will make Brownie with Bournville Cadbury instead of Cocoa.
Brownie with a twist, just to give a different taste to it.

Step 1: Ingredients

Another variation of Brownie can be made with Bournville Brownie Cadbury using just 3ingredients
1. Glucose biscuits - 1 packet.
2.Fresh cream - 4 tea spoon.
3. Bournville Cadbury.
We will also add 2spoons of fresh Curd-, a pinch of soda- bi carb , sugar-2 spoon (optional) , milk - 1/2 cup for required consistency.

Step 2: Grinding.

In a mixer take 1packet Biscuit and sugar , grind to make fine powder.

Step 3: Mixing

Transfer the mixture in a mixing bowl. Now add fresh cream, curd , soda-bi-carb to it. Mix gently using a spatula via cut and fold method, keep adding milk to achieve the required consistency.

Step 4: Baking.

Transfer the mixture in a mixing bowl.
Now add fresh cream, curd , melted bournville to it. Mix gently using wooden spatula via cut and fold method, keep adding milk to achieve the required consistency.

Step 5:

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