Introduction: Breaking Bad Costume

About: I make things. I teach other people to make things. On the weekends, my wife makes me do home renovations.

The return of Walt and Jesse

Step 1: Essentials

  • Hazmat suit, yellow
  • Full face respirator
  • Pork Pie Hat
  • 55 gallon plastic barrel
  • Hand truck dolly
  • Large RV (optional)

Step 2: Shave Your Head

You *are* committed to this costume aren't you? It grows back :)

Step 3: Find a Stooge

The stooge is really important to this plan!

Step 4: Visit Your Local Chem Lab

A night visit is preferable.

Step 5: Cook Some Product

A good recipe can be found here. If I can cook it, trust me, so can you!

Baby Blue Rock Candy

Step 6: Trick or Treat!

Visit the neighbors.

Step 7: Sales Meetings

Bonding with the stooge.

Step 8: Visit New Territory

If you purchased the optional RV, you can check out opportunities elsewhere.

Happy trails! Via con dios!

Halloween Costume Contest 2015

Participated in the
Halloween Costume Contest 2015