Introduction: Buy Iraqi Dinar

I love to collect or buy exotics. It is my passion to buy currencies of different countries and create an album of all the various currency. I love Iraq and hence, Iraqi dinar is among my favorite currencies. Generally, it is very hard to find safest online platform for buying currency. I have went through, CBI, travelex and other website that are famous for selling currency. But I had my shopping from the most trustworthy online platform and fulfill my dream collection of various Iraqi Dinar banknotes.See, what I did:

Step 1: Search for the Site From Where I Can Get Iraqi Dinar

I opened in my browser - Mozilla Firefox version 42.0, which is the latest browser version. I searched the term "Buy Iraqi Dinar" and I received a result bearing a lot of outputs related to the buy iraqi dinar. I trusted, as it will provide me the best result and the most relieable result for my purchase. I went for the first result, which was You can see the snapshot of how I searched for it.

Step 2: Landed on the Page of Currencliquidator

As shown in the result of the, I clicked on the first result and landed on the buy Iraqi dinar page of the website. There were several currency banknotes listed in the menu for sale. I went through all the currency and found them legal. So I decided to go for my purchase using the same site.

I selected the denomination of my choice and selected 250K iraqi dinar banknotes. This was a comfortable and easy job. I went through other currency and had a look at them.

Step 3: Select the Quantity of Money to Be Collected for Your Album

I have selected 250k Iraqi dinar banknotes. Then in the second step I have to make a choice of the quantity of the selected notes, which I selected as 100K dinars and found them cheapest in exchange with the USD that I was paying to them. There was an option to add to the cart that helped me to gather as much as banknotes for my purchase. In the next step when I added the currency to the cart, there were options whcih allowed me to buy other currencies also, for my collection to become more attractive I went on purchasing other currencies too.

Step 4: On the Add to Cart

After adding the currency to the cart, I landed on the page where I could see the the Checkout button for moving to the payment options, which is handled by the safest online transaction medium provided by the website itself. I made my payment and received a notification saying that your purchase has been made, you will receive your currency delivered at home. There I found a tracker that could notify the status of the purchased currency. Finally within 3 days I received the currency and now my album shines with the complete collection of the exotics.

Step 5: How to Buy Iraqi Dinar

This is the complete video of how to buy the iraqi dinar