Introduction: Cardboard Catapult
This is a really cool catapult that really works, too!
Catapult Tools
· Hot glue gun, ruler, box cutter or scissors, pen or pencil
Catapult Materials
· Qty. 1 Rubber band
· Qty. 1 Marble or small ball
· Qty. 1 Wooden dowel (12” long, ¼” diameter)
· Qty. 4 Popsicle sticks (1” x 8”)
· Qty. 4 Popsicle sticks (1” x 4”) made by breaking two 1” x 8” popsicle sticks in half
· Qty. 1 Corrugated cardboard rectangle (12”x 4”)
· Qty. 1 Corrugated cardboard rectangle (3.5” x 3”) with ¾” x ¾” squares removed from two corners as shown
· Qty. 3 Corrugated cardboard rectangles (4” x 8”)
· Qty. 4 Corrugated cardboard right triangles (base = height = 6”)
· Cellophane tape
Step 1: Build the Fulcrum
Glue two of the 6” triangles together using hot glue. Do the same with the other two 6” triangles.
Step 2: Assemble the Base of the Catapult
Glue the three 4” x 8” rectangles together using hot glue.
Step 3: Make the Arm of the Catapult
Fold the 12” x 4” along its length to form a tube of square cross-section . The tube is 12” long and has four 1” wide sides. Glue the tube along the 12” edges.
Step 4: Form the Catapult Projectile Holder
Fold the sides of the 3.5” x 3” cardboard cutout to form a box. Hot glue the sides together to hold the shape of the box. You can use tape to hold the box together while you apply the hot glue.
Step 5: Make a Brace for the Bottom of the Catapult
Glue two 1” x 8” popsicle sticks together and glue them perpendicularly to one of the 4” edges of the 4” x 8” cardboard.
Step 6: Install the Reinforcement Sections for the Bottom of the Catapult
Glue two of the 1” x 4” popsicle sticks together using hot glue and glue them onto one of the centers of the long edges of the 4” x 8” cardboard. Hot glue the other two 1” x 4” popsicle sticks together and glue them on the other edge of the 4” x 8” board.
Step 7: Make the Spring Retainer
Hot glue the two last 1” x 8” popsicle sticks together and glue them perpendicularly onto the center of the last edge of the 4”x 8”board. The sticks should stick out about 5” or 6”.
Step 8: Install the Fulcrum
Hot glue the triangle cardboards to either side and on the topside of the catapult bottom.
Step 9: Fabricate the Pivot
Make small holes in the two triangles near the tops and make a small hole in the 12” long tube so that the tube sticks out over the popsicle stick about ½”. Put the dowel through the triangles and the tube.
Step 10: Install the Projectile Holder
Hot glue the box onto the end of the tube that is opposite the popsicle stick that sticks out.
Step 11: Install the "Spring"
Put the rubber band around the tube and the popsicle stick that sticks out. Use cellophane tape to hold the rubber band in place.
Step 12: Enjoy!!
Put the marble into the box and push the box down. When you let go, the box will fly up and the marble will fly across the room.