Introduction: Cat Treats!

About: I love cats and any animals really! I love minecraft and making things for pets. Tell me what you think about my INSCRUTABLES by commenting!
Cats love treats. And they love getting fat for the winter! Try these cat treats and your kitty will love you! (Sorry, I did this a while ago so I have no photos)

Step 1: Ingredients

These are bacon wrapped chicken chunks, so you will need:
Cooking scissors/ hands

Step 2: Making Them

First cut up the chicken into skinless, boneless, bite sized chunks. Cut the bacon into short strips. Wrap the back around the chicken. There!

Step 3: Cooking

Get the pan out. Put the treats on the pan. Don't use cooking oil. It may be harmful to cats. Cook over low heat until bacon sticks. There!

Step 4: Done!

Don't give the treats to very young cats, they would upset its stomach. Give 1-2 a day to a cat. Do not give to a cat if they have a sensitive stomach or on a diet. With a little more cooking, a you may eat the treats. Thanks for reading and please comment!