Introduction: Cheap Wooden Cam Holder

hi, here is a simple and cheap way to make a camera holder with 2 laboratory waste, a wooden strip (2cm x 4cm x 150cm), a threaded screw (about 30 cm) and some bolts and washers


1 grinder

1 table saw

1 jiggle saw

1 column drill (or classic drill)

1 wrench (or a screwdriver with a suitable insert)

Step 1: Project With Sketchup

before starting to cut the wood, to avoid mistakes, I usually do a sketchup drawing to get an idea of what to do

Step 2: Cut the Wood

now that I know what to do I can start to cutting the pieces as I need them.

it takes 6 short pieces (about 8cm) and others 3 long pieces (about 25/30cm,it depends on how much you want both the total length).

remember that the ends must be rounded to allow the strips to rotate.

Step 3:

once all the pieces are cut and perforated we can proceed with the assembly.

Step 4: Final Results

and here is a simple diy camera holder with about 5 € of material