Introduction: Chicken Emulator From a Paper Cup

About: Many and varied interests. Love learning new things.
Easy to make, fun for the whole family and guaranteed not to leave chicken poo all over your back yard.
This is my second ever instructable and my first entry in a competition. If you think that this is fun then please vote for my entry. Thanks.

Step 1: Ingredients

- 1 paper cup (a recycled coffee cup is good)
- 1 piece of string about 40 to 50cm long. Baking twine is suitable, but I will be using cord that was cut off an old parachute as I can't find the baking twine. Anything thin with a bit of texture should work.
- 1 household cleaning sponge

- 1 pair of scissors
- 1 sharp pointy thing (kitchen skewer)
- A little bit of water

Optional Extras
- glue, paint, pens, paper and googly craft eyes to decorate it.

Step 2: Buy and Drink a Coffee

Walk in to your local coffee shop.
Wait in line.
When it is your turn order a takeaway coffee.
Wait for the coffee to be made.
Add sugar to taste.
Drink the coffee.
Keep the cup.
Go home and continue onto step #2.

Step 3: Poke a Hole and Tie a Knot

Turn the cup upside down (make sure that you have finished drinking your coffee first - see step 1).
Using your sharp pointy thing, poke a small hole in the centre of the bottom of the cup.
Thread the string through and make a knot to hold it firm.
The string should extend through the inside of the cup.

Step 4: Cut the Sponge and Tie It On.

 Cut a small piece off the sponge - about 2 x 4 cm should be fine.
Tie the loose end of the string tightly around the middle of the sponge.

Step 5: Chicken Simulation Mode

 Dampen the sponge with a little water.
Hold the cup firmly in one hand so that the string and sponge hang down.
With the other hand take the sponge and pinch the top of the string with it.
Slide the sponge down the string using a combination of jerking and smooth downward pulls.
You should now be hearing a chicken-like noise coming from the cup.

Step 6: Optional - Decorate the Thing to Look Like a Chook

Optional Decoration Ideas
Paint the cup yellow
Stick or draw on...
- a beak
- a comb
- wings
- eyes
and anything else that you feel a paper cup chicken should have.

If you don't want to do the painting and gluing then draw a chicken on a bit of paper, cut it out and stick it on.
Coffee Cup Challenge

Participated in the
Coffee Cup Challenge