Introduction: Chinese Cookie Box

About: I'm an engineer who loves to invent.

As a reminder of the last holiday in China, cookies were brought and eaten.
Since the box was too good to throw away, it was considered what could happen to it.

Enlightenment, a lamp!


  • The empty cookie box
  • 30cm LED light set (set includes wiring and power supply)


  • scissors
  • craft knife
  • pencil
  • ruler

Approximate cost to build: 5€ (to buy the LED-Set)

Skill level: beginners

Step 1: Preparation

You will need your tools and the empty box.

Step 2: The Cut and the Wiring

Mark the part to be cut on the inside of the lid.

Cut it out.

Install the LED band at the bottom part of the box and glue it.

Step 3: Light

Switch the light on!

Make it Glow Contest 2018

Participated in the
Make it Glow Contest 2018