Introduction: Chinese Paper Throwing Star

About: Hey, I like to do crazy stuff and have fun!
This is a simple way to make a chinese throwing star!  You can use different kinds of paper to make your star.  Notebook paper is shrper, but it does not have much weight.  Printer paper I think is a good selection.  It has weight and some sharpness.

Step 1: The Beginning!!!

The first step is to first grab your kind of paper. Either notebook or printer.  Lay it down in front of you so that the paper is like this.

Step 2: First Folds

The first thing to do is to fold it in half like this.

Step 3: Still the First Fold

Now, open the paper back up and cut on that line.  Once you are finished, it should look like this.

Step 4: Next Step

Take one of the halves of paper and fold it in half.  It should look like this.  Now, fold it in half so that the lengh is shortend.

Step 5: Unfold

Open that fold back up and you should have a crease like this.

Step 6: Fold Down

Now you fold the right side of paper down, so that it looks like this.

Step 7: Fold Up

Do the same thing with the other side but have it go up.  It should look like this.

Step 8: We Are Getting There

Now you flip the paper over.  In the middle you should see something like a diamond.  To the right, there is a flap.  Fold this in half.  It should look like this.  Now do the same thing to the other side.

Step 9: Triangles

Now it starts to get tricky.  Take the top right corner of the flap and fold it down so that it should look like this.  Then do it to the other side.

Step 10: Almost There!

Now do the same thing from step 4 to step 9.

Step 11: Comparison

Now you should have two halves that look like this.

Step 12: This Is Going to Get Tricky

Now, take the two triangles and fold them down onto the should look like this.  Do the same to the other side.

Step 13: The Finishing Touch

Now, simply slide the flaps into each other in a clockwise circle.  The last two will be tricky.  When you are halfway through, it will look like this.

Step 14: You Are Finished!!

Now you have a chinese throwing star!!  Do not aim at other people or faces.  I am not responsible for injuries.  Thanks for reading my instructable!!