Introduction: Chocolate Dipped Coconut Macaroons

Step 1: Chocolate Dipped Coconut Macaroons

These coconut macaroons are loved by all of my family members. They really hit the sweet spot, as my uncle would say.

Step 2: Ingredients

14 Oz Sweetened flaked coconut
2/3 cup sugar
6 tbsp flour
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp almond extract
4 egg whites
8 Oz semi sweet chocolate
1 tbsp coconut oil, optional

Step 3: Supplies

Step 4: Combine

Combine coconut, sugar, flour, and salt in large mixing bowl. Separate the egg whites by putting the egg yolks in the Separate bowl, and adding the egg whites to the coconut mixture. Add the almond extract and stir until blended. It should look something like this.

Step 5: Assembly

Spray a cooking sheet with cooking spray. Then using a tablespoon scoop 12 mounds 2 inches apart onto your cookie sheet. I used 2 cookies sheets, 12 cookies on each sheet. It should look like this.

Step 6: Bake

Bake for 20 minutes at 325 degrees farhrenheit. Or until the edges are golden brown. Immediately remove from baking sheet and onto a wire cooling rack. Cool completely.

Step 7: Dipping

Add your chocolate into a microwave bowl, with coconut oil if you choose. Melt the chocolate, but make sure you don't burn it, so occasionally take it out of the microwave and stir it with the spoon. Once your cookies are fully cooled, dip the cookie halfway into the chocolate. Let the excess chocolate drip off. Let stand at room temperature or refrigerate on wax paper for 30 minutes. After the chocolate is cooled, you may store how you like, but I keep mine in the fridge so that the chocolate will not melt. Enjoy!

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