Introduction: Christmas Ornaments Set

About: Hello, my name is Auroris. Every day we have the opportunity to learn new things, to rethink tired processes, and to improve the way we work.

Hi friends,

In this instructable I will share how to make DIY Red & White Christmas Ornaments from Felt to hang on your Tree. Do they get you in a festive mood? I hope you will love making them!

You'll need:

  • Red & White Felt
  • Red & White Embroidery floss
  • Ribbon/Cord/Yarn (for Hanging loop)
  • Beads
  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Poliester Fiberfill

Step 1: ​Template

I've found myself spending time reading up on the various templates, just find ones you like and draw them on cardboard. Then cut out the template. I will show you some simple and easy shapes for your choice.

Step 2: Christmas Tree

  1. Trace and cut your shape from felt.
  2. Cut decoration elements.
  3. Work on one side of your ornament to decorate it.
  4. First I stitch white stripes and add French Knots.
  5. Pin the Hanging Loop and stitch around leaving the hole on bottom.
  6. Stuff your Toy with Fiberfill and sew the remaining opening.

Step 3: Heart

  1. Trace and cut your shape from felt.
  2. Work on one side of your ornament to decorate it.
  3. Sew on the beads randomly on half of the shape.
  4. Pin the Hanging Loop and stitch around leaving the hole at one side.
  5. Stuff your Toy with Fiberfill and sew the remaining opening.

Step 4: Angel

Didn't forget to pin the hanging loop before sewing. In this case I forgot and sewed it at final.

Step 5: Star

Here the steps are almost the same, you just make a different decoration.

Step 6: Stocking

Step 7: Glove

Step 8: Candy Cane

Step 9: Bell

Step 10: Conclusion: Red Marker on Felt Is a Bad Idea. Use a Pen/Pencil Better)

Step 11: That’s It!