Introduction: Hamburger Gravy

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This is a simple but very tasty hamburger gravy that has been passed down from my grandma long time ago. It's especially a great comfort food, served with fresh mashed potatoes. The secret to the flavor of this gravy is the simmering low heat 1 hour!!


1 lb gr. beef

1 medium onion, chopped

2-3 cups water

1 tsp. salt,or to taste

1 1/2 tsp. pepper, or shallot pepper, or to taste


Add the ground beef to a 2-quart saucepan, over medium-high heat until beef is thoroughly cooked, breaking the beef into small pieces, stirring frequently. Thoroughly drain the grease from pan. Return to the heat, add the onions and cook 1-2 minutes longer, or until the onions are soften.

Add water, enough to cover 2'' over beef mixture. Add the seasonings. Stirring, bring to boil, cover and reduce the heat and simmer for 1 hour. 

After the hour of cooking, remove lid and thicken the beef gravy; combine in a small jar 1/4-cup flour and 1/4 cup very cold water. Cover and shake the jar to remove lumps. Slowly pour into the hamburger gravy while constantly stirring the gravy. At this time, I taste the gravy and adjust the spices as needed. Cover the gravy, and simmer another 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

NOTE: Remember, the amount of flour/water mixture you add, the thicker the gravy will become.

PS. This gravy is NOT greasy at all!!!